Tour overview

The Northern part of Ethiopia is what we call the “Historic North” or the Cultural Route. On this stretch of the country, many famous touristic sites like Blue Nile Gorge, the “Tis Isat “ or smoking water of the Nile Falls, and Bahirdar town by the Lake Tana with its 12th -15th century Island Monasteries.
Further up North is the Gondar town with its 17th-century castles and early medieval age churches with fantastic wall paintings.
The Semien Mountains, rightly known as the “Roof of Africa”, is among some of the world’s natural wonders. With its breath-taking scenic beauty and endemic wildlife like the Gelada Baboon, Ibex, and Mountain Nyala, it is an ideal place for easy as well as serious hikers and mountain climbers.
Axum, the cradle of ancient Ethiopia civilization, dates back to 3, 000 B.C. It is a holy city of Christianity for Ethiopia. Legend has it that the Ark of the Covenant rests in the old church of St. Mary of “Tsion” in Amharic or Zion.
There are hundreds of rock-hewn churches found in the Tigray Region built in the 12th to the 15th century, most of them perched in inaccessible mountain tops. The majority of them are concentrated around Hawzien, Adigrat, and wiqro.
The Northern trail takes us through Mekele, capital of Tigray, and passes along the escarpment that takes us down to the plains of Wollo on the way to Lalibela.
The winding roads down to Lalibella from Mekele are so picturesque and scenic that they are close to being artificial.
Lalibella could be considered as the 8th wonder of the world. A cluster of eleven churches divided into two groups is all hewn out of solid rocks. These amazing fits of architecture were able to be achieved in the 12th century.
The five hundred and kilometers from Lalibella to Addis passes through one of the most Scenic areas in Ethiopia if not in the world.

Day 1

Early in the morning, depart north to Bahir Dar via Debre Markos. On the way visit the Portuguese bridge, said to have been the first bridge in Ethiopia. Afterward, you will pass through the spectacular Blue Nile Gorge. The gorge extends nearly 400km and reaches depths up to 1500m. Overnight in Bahir Dar at Kuriftu Resort & Spa/Abay Minch Lodge/Summerland Hotel/EthioStar Hotel.

Day 2

In the morning, take a boat trip on Lake Tana to visit a selection of the monasteries hidden on the islands and shores of this sacred lake. Visit the Zege Penninsula and the monasteries of Azuwa Maryam and Ura Kidane Mehret and the island monastery of Debre Maryam near the outlet of the Blue Nile River. In the afternoon, drive out to the Blue Nile Falls for a short hike in the area. Finish the day with the sunset over the lake. Overnight in Bahir Dar at Kuriftu Resort & Spa/Abay Minch Lodge/Summerland Hotel/EthioStar Hotel.

Day 3

After breakfast, continue north to Gondar. The four-hour drive will take you through rural villages, offering wonderful insight into the Amhara culture. After briefly settling in your hotel, explore the sites of Gondar, including a visit to the Royal Enclosure, with six castles and several other buildings. Additionally, visit Fasilidas’s Pool, still used for Timket celebrations today, Ras Gimb Palace Museum, and the Debre Birhan Selassie church, with the most famous ceiling in Ethiopia. Overnight in Gondar at Taye Hotel/Fasil Lodge/Queen Taitu Pension.

Day 4

Early morning, depart north for Axum, enjoying spectacular views of the Simien Mountains. After stopping for lunch in Adi Arkay, proceed driving through the dramatic Tekeze Valley, offering some of the best landscapes in the country. Proceed to Axum, home of the ancient Axumite Empire, the Queen of Sheba, and the Ark of the Covenant. Overnight in Axum at Brana Hotel/Remhai Hotel/Africa Hotel.

Day 5

Today will be a full day visiting the sites of Axum, including the famous obelisks (one that was recently erected after being returned from Italy) and the archeological museum, the Queen of Sheba’s Bath (which supplies water to Axum year-round), Ezana’s inscription, King Kaleb’s tomb, King Bazen’s tomb, and the Queen of Sheba’s Palace. You can also visit the St. Mary of Zion church, where the Ark of the Covenant is kept. Men only are allowed to enter the old church. Unfortunately, no one (except one specially chosen guardian monk) is allowed to enter the chapel where the Ark is kept. Overnight in Axum at Brana Hotel/Remhai Hotel/Africa Hotel.

Day 6

After breakfast, drive to visit the ruins of Yeha, dating from the 8th to 5th centuries BC, and thought to be the capital of Ethiopian civilization before Axum. Afterward, visit the Debre Damo monastery, where the men (sorry! No women allowed.) must climb up a 15-m rope to enter. Proceed through the state of Tigray, stopping en route for a visit to the rock-hewn church of Medhane Alem Adi Kesho. Overnight in Hawsein at Gheralta Lodge/Tourist Hotel.

Day 7

In the morning, visit either Abuna Yemata Guh or Maryam Korkor. Both churches involve an approximate one-hour hike but offer commanding views of the surrounding area. After lunch, continue your visit with the more easily accessible churches of Abreha we Atsbeha, and Chirkos. Afterward, proceed driving to Mekele for overnight at Axum Hotel/Hilltop Hotel.

Day 8

Early in the morning, embark on a full day of driving to Lalibela. Here you will pass through several small villages, with typical sandstone homes of the Tigray people. Proceed through this rural area for the stunning approach to the home of Ethiopia’s most prized destination – Lalibela. Overnight in Lalibela at Mountain View Hotel/Lal Hotel/Alief Paradise Hotel.

Day 9

In the morning, start your tour of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, visiting the Northwestern Cluster of churches - Bet Medhane Alem, Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel, Bet Mikael & Bet Golgotha (entry not permitted for women). After lunch, continue with the Southeastern Cluster of churches – Bet Gabriel-Rufael, Bet Merkorios, Bet Amanual, and Bet Abba Libanos. Finally, you will visit the most famous of all the churches – Bet Giyorgis, constructed in honor of the patron saint of Ethiopia – Saint George. Overnight in Lalibela at Mountain View Hotel/Lal Hotel/Alief Paradise Hotel.

Day 10

Early in the morning, take a mule trek up to the Asheton Maryam monastery, set on the mountain overlooking the town of Lalibela. After lunch, drive out of town to visit the church of Yimrehanne Kristos, the most popular church in the surrounding region. Created in the late-Axumite style, this church is set in the entrance to a cave with a skeleton graveyard in the back of devout pilgrims who visited this church. Return to Lalibela overnight at Mountain View Hotel/Lal Hotel/Alief Paradise Hotel.

Day 11

After breakfast, visit the nearby monastery of Na’akuto La’ab, set on the side of a cliff. After the visit, proceed driving to Kombolcha via Woldia. On the way, you will stop for a rest in Hayk where you can enjoy the views of this stunning lake, visit the local monastery (open for men only), and enjoy the birdlife. Overnight in Kombolcha at Sunnyside Hotel/Tekle Hotel.

Day 12

Return driving to Addis via Debre Birhan. On the way, you pass the Mezezo Escarpment, with a good chance to see the endemic gelada baboons. If today is a Sunday, you can stop in the town of Senbete to visit the lively market including the interesting camel market.